Monthly Archives: October 2023

Coil Iced and Evaporator Motors Not Working

Coil iced and Evaporator motors not working, installed two new motors and verified proper function. Watched the temp fall into the twenties and steadily dropping on 10/16/2023 in Dallas Texas. Near Grader Street Dallas, Texas 75238 Check out the Areas We Serve and jobs we are doing by clicking [spacer][SHORTCODE_ELEMENTOR id=3540]
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Lift New Unit to Roof and Remove Old

Lift new unit to roof and remove old; Recover refrigerant, disconnect power, remove piping, sweat in piping, pull vacuum, reconnect wiring, power on unit, charge with refrigerant, clear site glass, test defrost cycle and confirm proper function on 10/13/2023 in Dallas Texas. Near Stults Road Dallas, Texas 75243 Check out the Areas We Serve and…
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Made Adjustments to the Expansion Valve

Made adjustments to the expansion valve. Confirmed the unit was working like it was supposed to and returned to service on 10/5/2023 in Dallas Texas. Near Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, Texas 75251 Check out the Areas We Serve and jobs we are doing by clicking [spacer][SHORTCODE_ELEMENTOR id=3540]
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